Dream Fruits Srl – Via A. Meucci, 25
50041 Calenzano (FI), ITALY
Phone: (+39) 055 8877472
VAT: 05062100481 – Tax Code: 01690980972

The objective that Dream Fruits pursues and is committed to guaranteeing over time is ever increasing customer satisfaction, in terms of both service and product quality; quality understood not only as conformity to specifications, but also to the highest food product health and hygiene standards.
To this end, the company operates according to a Quality and Food Safety Management System conforming to international standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and IFS.
The objective that Dream Fruits pursues and is committed to guaranteeing over time is ever increasing customer satisfaction, in terms of both service and product quality; quality understood not only as conformity to specifications, but also to the highest food product health and hygiene standards.
To this end, the company operates according to a Quality and Food Safety Management System conforming to international standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and IFS.