Dream Fruits Srl – Via A. Meucci, 25
50041 Calenzano (FI), ITALY
Phone: (+39) 055 8877472
VAT: 05062100481 – Tax Code: 01690980972
Our specialty is shell fruit
Dream Fruits specializes in the import of raw materials directly to Calenzano from their countries of origin, without passing through intermediaries…
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The idea for the company came from a group of people working in Florence’s fruit and vegetable market who realised that Tuscany had no highly specialized company importing
raw materials directly from producers for the
Italian market.
Products that require roasting, toasting or salting are processed within the company in highly specialized ovens.
The product packaging department consists of eight automatic and semiautomatic lines, as well as a laboratory dedicated to manual packaging.
Dream Fruits also performs processing and packaging for third parties, and offers specific custom packaging on request.
Here is our range of products divided by category:
Over 20 years of passion for shell fruit
Founded in Prato, Italy, in 1995, Dream Fruits has its roots firmly in tradition, while constantly looking forward to the future…
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The idea for the company came from a group of people working in Florence’s fruit and vegetable market who realised that Tuscany had no highly specialized company importing
raw materials directly from producers for the Italian market.
From an excellent intuition to a successful reality took only a moment, with confirmation coming from business results as the company continued to grow and develop. In 2003, Enzo Lanini took the role of sole director, deciding to launch several new lines on the market in order to offer a wider range of products in adaptation to the evolving needs of consumers.
Today, Dream Fruits is the leading company in Tuscany for the importation, processing and packaging of shell fruit, dried fruit, snacks, flours and legumes.
The company is now based in Calenzano, Italy, boasting a latest generation facility completed in 2017.

A truly family business!
There’s no such thing as an entrepreneur who doesn’t dream of passing down to his or her children the business he or she has long sweated blood and tears for. That’s exactly what happened to Enzo Lanini. His children Jacopo and Eleonora are now the company’s current directors…
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Jacopo has worked in the company since 1997,and, over the years, has acquired considerable expertise. Starting as a manual worker, he had hands-on experience of all the most practical aspects of the supply chain, helping him to understand the overall operations of the company in great detail. Head of production today, his curious and creative nature has also led him to assume responsibility for the brand image and coordination of the development of packaging and of sales support tools.
The younger Eleonora joined the company a little later, bringing with her extremely useful knowledge from her Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology. As a specialist overseeing the quality system in person, two years ago, she ensured the company achieve important quality certification to standards ISO 9001:2015 and IFS.
There are many benefits to a family business, but the most vital are passion and interest in making a high quality product and in personal attention to detail throughout the supply chain.
The objective that Dream Fruits pursues and is committed to guaranteeing over time is ever increasing customer satisfaction, in terms of both service and product quality; quality understood not only as conformity to specifications, but also to the highest food product health and hygiene standards.
To this end, the company operates according to a Quality and Food Safety Management System conforming to international standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and IFS.
The policy is essentially based on continuous improvement requiring the involvement and participation of all those who work within the company.
Precisely by virtue of this continuous improvement, the company has recently invested considerably in a larger production site in order to meet ever higher objectives in terms of hygiene, health and safety standards.